تولید برج خنک کننده صنعتیکولینگ تاور مکعبی،پکینگ اسپلش و فن فایبرگلاس(09124780268)
تولید برج خنک کننده صنعتی
کولینگ تاور مکعبی،پکینگ اسپلش و فن فایبرگلاس(09124780268)
سلام خوش آمدید

۵ مطلب با موضوع «Cooling tower and components» ثبت شده است

Cooling tower fillings classification

The cooling tower is one of the most essential equipment in the factory production line. Among the cooling tower components, fillings can drastically change the efficiency and useful life of the cooling tower.
Choosing "cooling tower fillings" wisely, we must understand their role. Cooling tower fillings have two essential functions:
1- Increasing the surface of evaporation in the cooling tower
2- Increasing the contact time between air and water in cooling water
Both goals are about increasing the amount of water evaporation.
Cooling tower fillings could be separated into two types of film and splash in terms of how they work in water evaporation. 

Cooling tower fills flute definition

In film-type filling, shaped sheets are connected together to form a fillings block. The distance between two sheets in a filling block is called the FILLS FLUTE SIZE. In other words, as you can see in the image below, if you measure the maximum distance of the hexagons in the honeycomb from the top of the block, the measured distance is twice the value of the flute.

Cooling tower fills flute size

Cooling tower CTI standard, article and book free download

ARACo cooling tower services and components

  • محمد قربانعلی بیک

Best quality cooling tower in Iraq

برج التبرید فی العراق

نحن واحدة من أفضل مصنعی أبراج التبرید فی إیران. تستخدم أبراج التبرید الخاصة بنا على نطاق واسع فی العدید من التطبیقات مثل: صناعات الصلب والزنک ومنتجات الألبان والورق والکیماویات والبتروکیماویات ومحطات الطاقة ، إلخ.

المیزة الکبیرة لبرج التبرید الخاص بنا لدول مثل العراق هی مقاومته العالیة للحرارة وأشعة الشمس القویة. یتکون جسم برج التبرید الذی نصنعه من الألیاف الزجاجیة ، والتی یمکنها تحمل درجات حرارة الهواء الساخن والرطوبة الشدیدة لسنوات.

برج تبرید فی العراق

تصمیم واستشارات تحسین برج التبرید(بغداد، بصره، کرکوک، کربلا، سلیمانیه، اربیل)

نصمم ونحسب برج التبرید بمساعدة برامج أوروبیة وأمریکیة متخصصة. على سبیل المثال ، نستخدم برنامجًا متخصصًا لشرکة ألمانیة لحساب کمیة ونوع الملء لکل برج تبرید ، بناءً على الظروف المناخیة للمشروع ودرجة حرارة الماء الساخن والبارد.
بالإضافة إلى إنشاء أبراج التبرید ، نعمل کمستشارین ومصممین فی العدید من المشاریع.
أیضًا ، یمکنک الحصول على مساعدة منا لشراء أجزاء برج التبرید عالیة الجودة مثل التعبئة والمروحة وماسک التنقیط.

تصمیم ومحاکاة ابراج التبرید فی العراق

بیع برج تبرید صناعی للعراق

تصمیم واستشارات برج التبرید

قطع غیار أبراج تبرید بغداد ، السلیمانیة ، کرکوک ، البصرة ، أربیل ، النجف ، کربلاء

الهاتف الخلوی: 00989124780268 (IMO، Telegram، Whats app)

الهاتف  المکتب: 00982166561974 - 00982166129745

صور برج التبرید والتعبئة والمروحة وقطع الغیار

cooling tower middle east


فن فایبرگلاس برج خنک کن


فن فایبر گلاس برج خنک کن


پکینگ ضد رسوب برج خنک کننده


پکینگ فیلم برج خنک کننده


VC cooling tower packing


پکینگ اسپلش


.قطره گیر لانه زنبوری برج خنک کننده

Following link are great references for download cooling tower documents, standards and books

Cooling tower CTI standard, article and book free download

Fiberglass industrial Cooling tower and Cooling tower fill - Turkey

Cooling tower in Azerbaijan

Fiberglass and industrial cooling tower for Iraq

Cooling tower PVC filling

Cooling tower PP fill in Iraq

Cooling tower drift eliminator Louver 

Cooling tower net splash packing

Cooling tower fiberglass fan and blades for Iraq

Cooling tower spare parts

Cooling tower design and simulation

Cell phone: +989124780268 (IMO, Telegram, What's app)

Office : +982166561974  & +982166129745

Website : www.araco.ir

  • محمد قربانعلی بیک


Türkiye, PPP tarafından dünyanın 17. en büyük nominal GSYİH'sine ve 13. en büyük GSYİH'ya sahiptir. Ülke OECD'nin (1961) ve G-20 büyük ekonomilerinin (1999) kurucu üyesidir. 1995'ten beri Türkiye, Avrupa Birliği-Türkiye Gümrük Birliği'ne taraftır. CIA, Türkiye'yi gelişmiş bir ülke olarak sınıflandırır. Türkiye genellikle ekonomistler ve siyaset bilimciler tarafından yeni sanayileşmiş bir ülke olarak sınıflandırılmaktadır; Merrill Lynch, Dünya Bankası ve The Economist, Türkiye'yi gelişmekte olan bir piyasa ekonomisi olarak tanımlar. Dünya Bankası, Türkiye'yi 2007 yılında ülkenin kişi başına düşen GSYİH'sı açısından üst-orta gelirli bir ülke olarak sınıflandırmıştır. 2010 yılında ortalama mezun başına ücret 10.02 $ 'dır. Türkiye'nin işgücüne katılım oranı% 56,1'dir. OECD ülkeleri% 74'lük bir ortancaya sahiptir. Forbes dergisi tarafından yapılan 2014 anketine göre, Türkiye'nin finansal sermayesi olan İstanbul, 2013 yılında dünyada 5. sırada yer alan toplam 37 milyar avroya sahipti. 2017, 5.000'in üzerinde net değere sahip bireyden daha fazlasını gören ikinci ardışık yıl oldu.

Türkiye, enerji verimli HVAC teknolojilerinin geliştirilmesine katkıda bulunan eğitim ve araştırma kurumlarıyla stratejik bağlara sahip, sağlam bir HVAC sanayi üssüne sahiptir. Büyüyen bir kentsel nüfus ve ekonomideki iyi büyüme gibi faktörler, önümüzdeki yıllarda tüketim tabanını daha da artıracaktır.

İran'da Almanya parçaları ile yapılan en iyi cam elyaflı soğutma kulesini sunmaya hazırız. Soğutma kulelerimiz; Çelik, Çinko, Günlüğü, Kağıt, Kimya, Petrokimya, Enerji Santralleri ve ... Endüstriler gibi farklı uygulamalarda yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır.

Ayrıca HVAC kullanımlar için paket soğutma kulesi üretiyoruz.

cooling tower middle east

Fiber cam sayaç akışımız En iyi kalitede malzemelerden üretilen soğutma kuleleri ve Endüstriyel kullanımlar için performansı garanti edebiliriz. Aşağıdaki bağlantı, indirme kulesi belgelerini, standartları ve kitapları indirmek için mükemmel bir referanstır

Soğutma kulesi CTI standart, makale ve kitap ücretsiz indir


Fiberglas ve endüstriyel soğutma kulesi

Soğutma kulesi PVC doldurma

Soğutma kulesi PP doldurma

Soğutma kulesi net sıçrama ambalaj

Soğutma kulesi yedek parçaları

Soğutma kulesi tasarımı ve simülasyonu

Cep telefonu: +989124780268 (IMO, Telgraf, Whats uygulaması)

Ofis: +982166561974 ve +982166129745

Web sitesi: www.araco.ir


فن فایبرگلاس برج خنک کن

فن فایبر گلاس برج خنک کن
پکینگ ضد رسوب برج خنک کننده
پکینگ فیلم برج خنک کننده
VC cooling tower packing
پکینگ اسپلش
.قطره گیر لانه زنبوری برج خنک کننده


Turkey has the world's 17th-largest nominal GDP, and 13th-largest GDP by PPP. The country is a founding member of the OECD (1961) and the G-20 major economies (1999). Since 1995, Turkey is a party to the European Union–Turkey Customs Union. The CIA classifies Turkey as a developed country. Turkey is often classified as a newly industrialized country by economists and political scientists; while Merrill Lynch, the World Bank, and The Economist describe Turkey as an emerging market economy. The World Bank classifies Turkey as an upper-middle income country in terms of the country's per capita GDP in 2007. Mean graduate pay was $10.02 per man-hour in 2010. Turkey's labor force participation rate of 56.1% is by far the lowest of the OECD states which have a median rate of 74%.According to a 2014 survey by Forbes magazine, Istanbul, Turkey's financial capital, had a total of 37 billionaires in 2013, ranking 5th in the world. 2017 was the second consecutive year that saw more than 5.000 high net-worth individuals.

Turkey has a robust HVAC industry base with strategic tie ups with the educational and research institutions which contributes to the development of energy efficient HVAC technologies. Factors such as a growing urban population and decent growth in economy will further increase the consumption base in the coming years.

We are ready to provide best fiber glass cooling tower which made in Iran with Germany parts. Our cooling towers are using widely in different applications such as : Steel, Zinc, Diary, Paper, Chemical, Petrochemical, Power plants and ... Industries.

We also manufacture package cooling tower for HVAC uses.

Our Fiber glass counter flow Cooling towers made from best quality materials and we could guaranty the performance for Industrial uses.

Following link is a great reference for download cooling tower documents, standards and books


Cooling tower CTI standard, article and book free download


Fiberglass and industrial cooling tower

Cooling tower PVC filling

Cooling tower PP fill

Cooling tower net splash packing

Cooling tower spare parts

Cooling tower design and simulation

Cell phone : +989124780268 (IMO, Telegram, Whats app)

Office : +982166561974  & +982166129745

Website : www.araco.ir

  • محمد قربانعلی بیک

Azərbaycanda soyutma qülləsi

Azərbaycan iqtisadiyyatı neft və qaz hasilatına əsaslanaraq, ixracın 95 faizini və dövlət gəlirlərinin 75 faizini təşkil edir.Azərbaycan turizm sənayesində də artmaqdadır.

Son on il ərzində Azərbaycanda tikinti sektorunda partlayıcı artım müşahidə olunmuşdur. Azərbaycanın 169,4 milyard dollarlıq iqtisadiyyatının 12% -ni mühasibat uçotu, tikinti milli iqtisadiyyatın strukturunda böyük rol oynadı.

Ötən 20 il ərzində 220 mlrd. Dollar həcmində xarici investisiyalarla Azərbaycan artıq beynəlxalq biznes üçün cəlbedici bir mühitdir. İnşaat, bu markaların araşdırılması üçün başqa bir avanqardır.

Soyutma qülləsi

Bu inanılmaz iqtisadiyyatın böyüməsinə və Azərbaycanda və xüsusilə də Bakıda tikinti işlərinə görə, biz ən yaxşı keyfiyyətli cam şüşəsi soyutma qülləsi təmin etməyə hazırıq. Bizim soyutma qüllələrimiz müxtəlif proqramlarda geniş istifadə olunur: Çelik, Sink, Gündəlik, Kağız, Kimya, Petrokimya, Elektrik stansiyaları və ... Sənaye.

HVAC üçün istifadə olunan soyutma qülləini də istehsalçı kimi istehsal edirik.

cooling tower middle east

Ən keyfiyyətli materiallardan hazırlanan Fiber şüşəli axın soyutma qüllələri və HVAC və Sənaye istifadə üçün performans təmin edə bilər.

Aşağıdakı link, soyutma qülləsi sənədlərini, standartları və kitabları yükləmək üçün böyük bir istinaddır


Soğutma qülləsi CTI standartı, məqalə və kitab pulsuz yukle


CE standartlı fiberglas soyutma qülləsi

Chiller üçün HVAC soyutma qülləsi

Soyutma qülləsi PVC dolum

Soğutma qülləsi PP doldurun

Soğutma qülləsi açıq sıçratmaq qabığı

Soyuducu qala ehtiyat hissələri

Soyutma qülləsi dizaynı və simulyasiyası

Cib telefonu: +989124780268 (IMO, Telegram, WhatsApp)

Ofis: +982166561974 & +982166129745 (İran)

Veb səhifə: www.araco.ir


Cooling tower in Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan's economy is 95 percent of exports and 75 percent of state revenues based on oil and gas production. Azerbaijan is also boosting its tourism industry.

There has been an explosive increase in the construction sector in Azerbaijan over the past decade. 12% of Azerbaijan's $ 169.4 billion economies have played a major role in the accounting and construction of the national economy.

Over the past 20 years, 220 billion dollars have been invested. With foreign investments in the dollar, Azerbaijan is already an attractive environment for international business. Construction is another advantage of exploring these brands.

Because of this incredible economy and the construction work in Azerbaijan, and especially in Baku, we are ready to provide the best quality glass bottle cooling tower. Our cooling towers are widely used in various applications: Steel, Zinc, Diary, Paper, Chemistry, Petrochemical, Power Plants and ... Industry.

We also produce cooling towers for HVAC as manufacturers.

Our Fiber glass counter flow Cooling towers made from the best quality materials and we could guaranty the performance for Industrial uses.

The following link is a great reference for download cooling tower documents, standards and books


Cooling tower CTI standard, article and book free download


cooling tower middle east
فن فایبرگلاس برج خنک کن
فن فایبر گلاس برج خنک کن
پکینگ ضد رسوب برج خنک کننده
پکینگ فیلم برج خنک کننده
VC cooling tower packing
پکینگ اسپلش


.قطره گیر لانه زنبوری برج خنک کننده


Fiberglass and industrial cooling tower

Cooling tower PVC filling

Cooling tower PP fill

Cooling tower net splash packing

Cooling tower spare parts

Cooling tower design and simulation

Cell phone: +989124780268 (IMO, Telegram, What's app)

Office : +982166561974  & +982166129745

Website : www.araco.ir

  • محمد قربانعلی بیک

Cooling tower training books

Free download Cooling tower PDF and CTI Standards

During our career in the cooling tower industry, we collected many references for cooling tower standards, design, and Calculations. As an active company in the cooling tower section in Iran and the Middle East, we decide to share these documents and information with other persons and companies.
All these references and articles are free so you do not need to pay anything. 

Our cooling tower services in middle east

As a cooling tower manufacturer in Iran and the middle east, we can provide you with the best fiberglass cooling tower(made in Iran with German parts). Our cooling towers are used widely in different applications such as Steel, Zinc, Diary, Paper, Chemical, Petrochemical, Power plants, and ... Industries. We manufacture package-type cooling towers for HVAC uses also.

Our Fiberglass counter flow Cooling towers made from the best quality materials and we could guaranty the performance for Industrial uses. 

Fiberglass fans are another section of our products. In this section using CFD and professional softwares, we produce FRP fan up to 11m diameters for all middle east countries(Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE, KSA and Yemen)

For more information you can contact us :

Call 00989124780268 (whats app - Telegram)

Our Official website: http://araco.ir/en

Cooling tower training video-Aparat channel : https://www.aparat.com/ARACo_cooling

CTI standards free download PDF

Free download CTI STD 137 PDF, Fiberglass Pultruded Structural

CTI 152 free download PDF - Structural Design of FRP Components

CTI 128 - Test code for sound measurement PDF Download

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions for CTI STD-201

CTI WTP-148 Standard - Legionella PDF Download

CTI Standards Code List PDF Free Download

CTI recommendation for testing cooling tower air flow

CTI article about documentation and inspection of filed erected cooling tower

CTI article- Fiberglass vs Aluminium fan for cooling tower

Cooling tower free download Book, PDF, Article and training 

Cooling tower air compressor calculation

Improving cooling tower fan efficiency PDF

One of the best cooling tower books-Cooling tower fundamental by Marley - 117 pages

Introduction to heller cooling tower

Cooling tower structure, Wood vs FRP

ilmed cooling tower fan catalouge

Cooling tower variable speed fan

Cooling Tower Performance and size factor

Basic of aircooled heat exchanger PDF

EVAPCO cooling tower arrangement and layout free download PDF

Introduction to heller cooling tower

Alkaline and acid effect on fiberglass-FRP-GRP

Glass fiber physical and mechanical properties

Once through the cooling system 

Evapco Cooling tower Maintenance Check List

Cooling tower performance in hot and humid condition

Technical Information for cooling towers using recycled water

Evaluation and performance prediction of cooling tower rain zones

Predict Cooling Tower Performance and energy saving

Cooling Water Management Basic Principles and Technology 

Seismic Behavior of Column-supported and Innovative Fixed-base Cooling Towers

Cooling tower electromagnetic anti-scale system

Dry cooling tower VS wet cooling tower PDF

Predict Cooling Tower Performance and energy saving

Eurovent REC 9-12 - Performance Efficiency Standard for Evaporative Cooling Equipment

Euro vent cooling tower standard

Cooling tower Water treatment PDF

Fans Key to Optimum Cooling-Tower Design

Vibration Of Cooling Tower Fans article free download


Water condition in cooling towers article -PDF - Free download

Cooling tower performance test -PDF - Free download

Once through cooling system Holistic management

Cooling tower performance test PDF

Cooling tower Thermodynamic formula- PDF Free download


Water-Saving District Cooling Plant Design using hybrid systems

Cooling tower performance improvement-Marley-PDF-Free download

Cooling tower water treatment PDF free download

Makeup and blowdown water in cooling tower- Cooling Water Problems and Solutions

A hybrid cooling tower for power plants

Air cooler Vs Cooling tower

Free Download Introduction to Thermal design of cooling tower -106 pages Ebook PDF

Cooling Tower Thermal Design PDF Free Download

CTI WTP-148 Standard - Legionella PDF Download

Introduction to Range and Approach Temperature in Cooling towers

CTI Standards Code List PDF Free Download

Hybrid Cooling Tower Introduction Download


CTI 128 - Test code for sound measurement PDF Download

CTI - Inspection, and documentation for field-erected cooling tower PDF Download

The vibration of Cooling Tower Fans PDF Download

Psychometric chart - Sea level PDF Download

ASHRAE Standard for cooling tower PDF Download

CTI Journals free download

Free download PDF CTI Journal 2020- summer

Free download PDF CTI Journal 2020- winter

Cooling tower CTI Journal - summer 2019 - free download PDF

CTI Journal 2018 free download PDF

CTI Journal winter 2017 free download PDF

CTI Journal summer 2017 free download PDF

Cooling tower institute journal, winter 2016 free download

  • محمد قربانعلی بیک
تولید برج خنک کننده صنعتی
فروش و استعلام قیمت برج خنک کننده
پکینگ نت اسپلش NC 20 آلمانی
طراحی برج خنک کن فایبرگلاس کانتر فلو
پروانه و فن کولینگ تاور
فن و پره کامپوزیت ایرکولر
دانلود کتاب و استاندارد برج خنک کننده
فروش پکینگ فیلم PVC و PP
کاهش مصرف آب برج خنک کن
ساخت و قیمت کولینگ تاور هیبرید
برج خنک کن مدار بسته و کویل گالوانیزه
مشاوره انتخاب برج خنک کننده صنعتی
شماره تماس(قربانعلی بیک) : 09124780268
شماره تماس شرکت : 02166129745
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